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Scholarships for UNFCCC Conference of Parties (COP24)

Are you a young person from the Global South (Developing Countries) working on #ClimateAction?  Are you interested to apply for this Scholarship? A total of about 16 youth will be funded via these Scholarships. 

Have all your expenses covered for participating at the 24th UNFCCC Conference of Parties (COP24) and the 14th Conference of Youth 14 (COY14)

Are you a young person from the Global South (Developing Countries) working on #ClimateAction?  Are you interested to apply for this Scholarship? A total of about 16 youth will be funded via these Scholarships. 


Have all your expenses covered for participating at the 24th UNFCCC Conference of Parties (COP24) and the 14th Conference of Youth 14 (COY14)

The funding benefits cover the following:

  • Costs for all international and domestic flight tickets
  • Costs incurred during the visa application process
  • Costs of accommodation for about 18 days (from 28 November 2018 to 15 December 2018 – the duration comprising COY14 and COP24) in Katowice, Poland
  • Costs of food for the entire duration, travel insurance, local transport and any other reasonable expenditure during the stay in Poland.


To be eligible for Global South Climate Scholarships for youth, you, as an applicant, must ensure that:

You are under 35 years of age on 31 October 2018
If selected, you will be available to join the 14th Conference of Youth (COY14) and the 24th Conference of Parties of UNFCCC (COP24) in Katowice, Poland for the full duration (from about 27 November 2018 to 15 December 2018) and shall also engage proactively in the preparation phase leading to activities in Katowice.
More information click here.