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2019 Agropolis Fondation Louis Malassis International Scientific Prize

The search is on for the 2019 Agropolis Fondation Louis Malassis International Scientific Prize for Agriculture and Food as well as the 2019 Olam Prize for Innovation in Food Security.

Now on its 5th edition, the Agropolis Fondation Louis Malassis International Scientific Prize was created in 2009 to recognize the exemplary contribution of scientists in the field as well as to inspire young promising researchers to work towards excellent science in the service of society.

The search is on for the 2019 Agropolis Fondation Louis Malassis International Scientific Prize for Agriculture and Food as well as the 2019 Olam Prize for Innovation in Food Security.

Now on its 5th edition, the Agropolis Fondation Louis Malassis International Scientific Prize was created in 2009 to recognize the exemplary contribution of scientists in the field as well as to inspire young promising researchers to work towards excellent science in the service of society.

Three Prizes are at stake in the 2019 edition of the Prize.

  • The “Young Promising Scientist Prize” which is awarded to a junior scientist with at least five years of professional experience; and
  • The “Distinguished Scientist Prize” is given to a senior scientist with at least 15 years of professional experience ;
  • The “Outstanding Career in Agricultural Development” is handed to someone whose professional career is devoted to agricultural development, be it in the field of agriculture and food research, innovation, capacity building, development or policy.

The Distinguished Scientist and the Outstanding Career in Agricultural Development Prizes come with a €20,000 cash prize. 
The Young Promising Scientist Prize comes with a €5,000 cash prize and a €15,000 worth of scientific mobility grant to any of the 41 research labs that are part of Agropolis Fondation’s scientific network.

The Prize is a tribute to Professor Malassis, a French agronomist, agro-economist and ardent supporter of farmers’ cause. In 1986, he founded Agropolis, an international campus based in Montpellier which brings together research organizations and institutes for higher learning in agriculture.

For the 3rd time, the Olam Prize for Innovation in Food Security, given by leading agri-business Olam International, is awarded in conjunction with Agropolis Fondation’s Malassis Prize. It recognizes an innovative scientific research project for its potential impact on the availability, affordability, accessibility or adequacy of food.

The winning research project will receive US$ 75,000.

Every other year, Agropolis Fondation and Olam International launch a Call for Candidates. Entries are evaluated and selected based on the scientific excellence, impact of their contribution to sustainable development, and quality of partnerships they have developed and established, notably with the civil society.

An independent jury composed of internationally recognized individuals is appointed by the Chairman of the Board of Agropolis Fondation. This group deliberates and selects the winner in each category.

Deadline for submission of entries: 28 February 2019, 23:57 (CET, French time).

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