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IHE Delft Institute for Water Education — Course on Water Resilient Recovery

IHE Delft welcomes applications for a new short course on Water Resilient Recovery, focusing on disaster recovery and long term climate resilient planning. The course consists of an online portion covering much of the theory and background, starting on 10 December 2018. The second part of the course will consist of a 1-week face-to-face training in Singapore. A small number of scholarships are available. The deadline for application for admission to the course is 29 November 2018. Find the course

IHE Delft welcomes applications for a new short course on Water Resilient Recovery, focusing on disaster recovery and long term climate resilient planning. The course consists of an online portion covering much of the theory and background, starting on 10 December 2018. The second part of the course will consist of a 1-week face-to-face training in Singapore. A small number of scholarships are available. The deadline for application for admission to the course is 29 November 2018. Find the course