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KU Leuven — Global Minds Doctoral Scholarships Programme

KU Leuven is the largest university in Flanders, Belgium. As one part of its cooperation to advance international development, KU Leuven offers Global Minds Scholarships to candidates from developing countries. Global Minds is a ‘sandwich’ system, which means that 50% of the research takes place at KU Leuven and 50% at the home institution of the scholar. The scholarships have a duration of 48 months. The program also reimburses travel costs from the home country of the PhD student to Belgium. Online applications have to be completed before 15 January 2020. More about the application procedure

KU Leuven is the largest university in Flanders, Belgium. As one part of its cooperation to advance international development, KU Leuven offers Global Minds Scholarships to candidates from developing countries. Global Minds is a ‘sandwich’ system, which means that 50% of the research takes place at KU Leuven and 50% at the home institution of the scholar. The scholarships have a duration of 48 months. The program also reimburses travel costs from the home country of the PhD student to Belgium. Online applications have to be completed before 15 January 2020. More about the application procedure