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Mostra Ecofalante de Cinema Ambiental — Latin-American Film Competition 2020

The 9th ‘Mostra Ecofalante de Cinema Ambiental’ invites entries to the Latin-American Competition in Environmental Cinema. Socio-environmental categories include energy, water, climate change, consumption, people and places, environmental activism, accumulated waste, contamination or export, socio-environmental resources, green spaces, urban areas, food, green economy, globalization, wildlife, and sustainability, among others. Selected films compete in the categories Best Long Film by the Jury (over 60 minutes), with a prize of R$15 thousand; Best Short Film by Jury (up to 59 minutes), with a prize of R$5 thousand; and Best Film by the Public. The deadline for submission is 15 January 2020. (Note: Information in Portuguese) Find out more

The 9th ‘Mostra Ecofalante de Cinema Ambiental’ invites entries to the Latin-American Competition in Environmental Cinema. Socio-environmental categories include energy, water, climate change, consumption, people and places, environmental activism, accumulated waste, contamination or export, socio-environmental resources, green spaces, urban areas, food, green economy, globalization, wildlife, and sustainability, among others. Selected films compete in the categories Best Long Film by the Jury (over 60 minutes), with a prize of R$15 thousand; Best Short Film by Jury (up to 59 minutes), with a prize of R$5 thousand; and Best Film by the Public. The deadline for submission is 15 January 2020. (Note: Information in Portuguese) Find out more