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European Commission — Consolidator Grants

The European Commission provides Consolidator Grants to experienced researchers with a scientific track record. ERC grants support projects carried out by an individual researcher who can employ researchers of any nationality as team members. Applications can be made in any field of research. Proposed research projects under this program must be conducted in a public or private research organisation located in one of the EU Member States or Associated Countries from Eastern Europe and Eurasia. An average of €2 million is provided for up to five years. The deadline for applications is 07 February 2019. Link

The European Commission provides Consolidator Grants to experienced researchers with a scientific track record. ERC grants support projects carried out by an individual researcher who can employ researchers of any nationality as team members. Applications can be made in any field of research. Proposed research projects under this program must be conducted in a public or private research organisation located in one of the EU Member States or Associated Countries from Eastern Europe and Eurasia. An average of €2 million is provided for up to five years. The deadline for applications is 07 February 2019. Link