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United Nations University — PhD in Sustainability Science 2019

The UNU’s Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability (UNU-IAS) offers a three-year PhD program to produce scholars who will become key researchers in the field of sustainability science. The program seeks to incorporate perspectives on global change, specifically those related to climate change and biodiversity. The Japan Foundation offers the UNU Scholarship (monthly allowance of ¥120 thousand – equivalent to € 1,500 – for a maximum of 36 months) to outstanding applicants from developing countries who can demonstrate a need for financial assistance. The deadline for applications is 19 April 2019. About PhD in Sustainability Science

The UNU’s Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability (UNU-IAS) offers a three-year PhD program to produce scholars who will become key researchers in the field of sustainability science. The program seeks to incorporate perspectives on global change, specifically those related to climate change and biodiversity. The Japan Foundation offers the UNU Scholarship (monthly allowance of ¥120 thousand – equivalent to € 1,500 – for a maximum of 36 months) to outstanding applicants from developing countries who can demonstrate a need for financial assistance. The deadline for applications is 19 April 2019. About PhD in Sustainability Science