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Institute of Current World Affairs — Fellowship Program 2019

The ICWA makes grants to support Fellows who carry out self-designed independent studies for a minimum of two years in the developing world. U.S. citizenship is not a requirement, but candidates must show strong and credible ties to U.S. society. Candidates may seek fellowships in any developing country. Among the fellowship categories, the “John Miller Musser Memorial Forest and Society” fellowships offer people with graduate degrees in forestry or forest-related specialties an opportunity to broaden their understanding of the relationship of forest-resource problems to humans, including policy-makers, environmentalists, farmers, scientists, and forest-product industrialists. Applications for December 2019 appointment are due 15 June 2019. Find out more

The ICWA makes grants to support Fellows who carry out self-designed independent studies for a minimum of two years in the developing world. U.S. citizenship is not a requirement, but candidates must show strong and credible ties to U.S. society. Candidates may seek fellowships in any developing country. Among the fellowship categories, the “John Miller Musser Memorial Forest and Society” fellowships offer people with graduate degrees in forestry or forest-related specialties an opportunity to broaden their understanding of the relationship of forest-resource problems to humans, including policy-makers, environmentalists, farmers, scientists, and forest-product industrialists. Applications for December 2019 appointment are due 15 June 2019. Find out more