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Czech Academy of Sciences — Studentship in Tropical Ecology


The Ecology Department at the Biology Center of the Czech Academy of Science and the Zoology Department of the University of South Bohemia invite PhD applicants to join a project exploring plant-herbivore interactions in the lowland rainforest in Papua New Guinea. The selected candidate will live in Czech Republic, conduct field work in New Guinea, and carry out the chemistry analysis with collaborators in Germany, Finland and the US.  Applicants from any nationality are eligible. Funding will cover living expenses in Czech Republic during the 4-year PhD course. The deadline for applications is 10 February 2019. About the Studentship


The Ecology Department at the Biology Center of the Czech Academy of Science and the Zoology Department of the University of South Bohemia invite PhD applicants to join a project exploring plant-herbivore interactions in the lowland rainforest in Papua New Guinea. The selected candidate will live in Czech Republic, conduct field work in New Guinea, and carry out the chemistry analysis with collaborators in Germany, Finland and the US.  Applicants from any nationality are eligible. Funding will cover living expenses in Czech Republic during the 4-year PhD course. The deadline for applications is 10 February 2019. About the Studentship