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International Centre for development oriented Research in Agriculture — International Courses for Agricultural Professionals 2020

The International Centre for development oriented Research in Agriculture (ICRA) supports education and capacity strengthening in agriculture and the rural sector in the developing world. ICRA offers specialized training courses for agricultural professionals each year. ICRA’s courses qualify for OKP/MSP scholarships funded by the Dutch government. Each scholarship program has separate application deadlines. Individuals wishing to apply to the Orange Knowledge Program (OKP) scholarship have to submit their application until 30 June 2020. The MENA Scholarship Program (MSP) has two application deadlines: 24 May and 02 September 2020. Details here

The International Centre for development oriented Research in Agriculture (ICRA) supports education and capacity strengthening in agriculture and the rural sector in the developing world. ICRA offers specialized training courses for agricultural professionals each year. ICRA’s courses qualify for OKP/MSP scholarships funded by the Dutch government. Each scholarship program has separate application deadlines. Individuals wishing to apply to the Orange Knowledge Program (OKP) scholarship have to submit their application until 30 June 2020. The MENA Scholarship Program (MSP) has two application deadlines: 24 May and 02 September 2020. Details here