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SEED — Seed Awards 2019

SEED supports small-scale eco-enterprises in the developing world which integrate social and environmental benefits into their business models. Seed currently accepts applications for its Low Carbon Awards, Africa Awards, and South Africa Award. Winners will receive business training, mentorship and grants of up to US$20 thousand. The eligible countries are Ghana, India, Indonesia, South Africa, Thailand, Uganda, Malawi, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. The call for applications is open until 02 April 2019. About Seed Awards

SEED supports small-scale eco-enterprises in the developing world which integrate social and environmental benefits into their business models. Seed currently accepts applications for its Low Carbon Awards, Africa Awards, and South Africa Award. Winners will receive business training, mentorship and grants of up to US$20 thousand. The eligible countries are Ghana, India, Indonesia, South Africa, Thailand, Uganda, Malawi, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. The call for applications is open until 02 April 2019. About Seed Awards