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International RiverFoundation — Thiess International Riverprize 2021

The Thiess International Riverprize 2021 invites applications from any organization or partnership that has implemented a successful program benefiting a river, lake, wetland, or estuary in any part of the world. This year, the emphasis will be on building community and river resilience rather than recovery. The winner will receive the cash prize and a trophy. The application deadline is 31 May 2021. Find the guidelines

The Thiess International Riverprize 2021 invites applications from any organization or partnership that has implemented a successful program benefiting a river, lake, wetland, or estuary in any part of the world. This year, the emphasis will be on building community and river resilience rather than recovery. The winner will receive the cash prize and a trophy. The application deadline is 31 May 2021. Find the guidelines