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Government of Switzerland — Renewable Energy Promotion in Developing Countries

The independent platform Renewable Energy, Energy and Resource Efficiency Promotion in Developing and Transition Countries (REPIC) supports projects in the field of renewable energies and/or energy efficiency and/or resource efficiency (waste, wastewater and industrial processes). The project applicant has to be a Swiss organization (companies, NGOs, institutes, etc.) but the project target country must be a developing country. The maximum amount per project is CHF150 thousand. Applications can be submitted at any time but there are deadlines to respect prior to each Steering Group meeting where the evaluation takes place. The next deadlines for project submission are 22 November 2020 and 23 March 2021. Application procedure

The independent platform Renewable Energy, Energy and Resource Efficiency Promotion in Developing and Transition Countries (REPIC) supports projects in the field of renewable energies and/or energy efficiency and/or resource efficiency (waste, wastewater and industrial processes). The project applicant has to be a Swiss organization (companies, NGOs, institutes, etc.) but the project target country must be a developing country. The maximum amount per project is CHF150 thousand. Applications can be submitted at any time but there are deadlines to respect prior to each Steering Group meeting where the evaluation takes place. The next deadlines for project submission are 22 November 2020 and 23 March 2021. Application procedure