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West African Science Service Center on Climate Change and Adapted Land Use — Fellowships for Doctoral and Masters Studies

With funding provided by Germany, WASCAL engages in research to help tackle the severe challenges posed by climate change, focusing on West Africa. The WASCAL Graduate Studies Program offers full scholarships to support four master’s and six doctoral programs implemented at ten universities in West African countries. WASCAL’s member countries are Bénin, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Gambia, Ghana, Niger, Mali, Nigeria, Sénegal, and Togo. Doctoral students may spend up to six months at a host institution in Germany. Graduate students have access to the WASCAL research facilities located in various watersheds of West Africa. The application deadline is 29 March 2019. Graduate Studies Programme

With funding provided by Germany, WASCAL engages in research to help tackle the severe challenges posed by climate change, focusing on West Africa. The WASCAL Graduate Studies Program offers full scholarships to support four master’s and six doctoral programs implemented at ten universities in West African countries. WASCAL’s member countries are Bénin, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Gambia, Ghana, Niger, Mali, Nigeria, Sénegal, and Togo. Doctoral students may spend up to six months at a host institution in Germany. Graduate students have access to the WASCAL research facilities located in various watersheds of West Africa. The application deadline is 29 March 2019. Graduate Studies Programme