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The World Academy of Sciences — Regional Workshop on Science Diplomacy

The Academy of Sciences Malaysia (ASM) and the World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) seek candidates to participate in the regional training workshop on science diplomacy in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia, July 2020). The workshop is designed for applicants from science and technology lagging countries from East and South-East Asia, and the Pacific region. Economy class flights, local transport and accommodation will be covered for selected participants. The deadline for submitting applications is 09 March 2020. About the TWAS-ASM Regional Workshop

The Academy of Sciences Malaysia (ASM) and the World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) seek candidates to participate in the regional training workshop on science diplomacy in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia, July 2020). The workshop is designed for applicants from science and technology lagging countries from East and South-East Asia, and the Pacific region. Economy class flights, local transport and accommodation will be covered for selected participants. The deadline for submitting applications is 09 March 2020. About the TWAS-ASM Regional Workshop