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African Union — Support for Youth and Women in Livestock, Fisheries and Agribusiness

The African Union aims to promote the entrepreneurial agribusiness as means for job and wealth creation for Africa’s youth and women. Proposed projects under this call should address actions in the thematic areas of fisheries, aquaculture, animal farming and agribusiness networks. Existing agribusinesses and agribusiness startups may request grants of US$10 thousand or US$20 thousand. Deadline for submission of applications is 28 March 2019. Information

The African Union aims to promote the entrepreneurial agribusiness as means for job and wealth creation for Africa’s youth and women. Proposed projects under this call should address actions in the thematic areas of fisheries, aquaculture, animal farming and agribusiness networks. Existing agribusinesses and agribusiness startups may request grants of US$10 thousand or US$20 thousand. Deadline for submission of applications is 28 March 2019. Information