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European Commission — Agriculture and Rural Development Kosovo

The European Commission seeks project proposals to support Kosovo’s farmers and agri-rural economic operators to build the capacities that they need in order to become more competitive on the market. All actions under this call shall address the challenges of climate change and promote gender equality. Grant size under this call varies between €100 thousand and €400 thousand. Eligibility extends to individual farmers, a group of farmers/producers or agri-businesses from Kosovo. The deadline for submission of concept notes is 14 April 2019. The call

The European Commission seeks project proposals to support Kosovo’s farmers and agri-rural economic operators to build the capacities that they need in order to become more competitive on the market. All actions under this call shall address the challenges of climate change and promote gender equality. Grant size under this call varies between €100 thousand and €400 thousand. Eligibility extends to individual farmers, a group of farmers/producers or agri-businesses from Kosovo. The deadline for submission of concept notes is 14 April 2019. The call