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Small-Scale Initiatives Program — Biodiversity Conservation in Central and Western Africa

The Small-Scale Initiatives Program (PPI) launches a new call for proposals “small grants” projects. Funding will be available to local non-profit projects in Central and Western African countries with the aim contribute to biodiversity conservation and addressing climate change adaptation. The maximum contribution under this call is €40 thousand for projects of up to 15 months. The deadline for submission of pre-proposal is 31 March 2019. Find rules and criteria

The Small-Scale Initiatives Program (PPI) launches a new call for proposals “small grants” projects. Funding will be available to local non-profit projects in Central and Western African countries with the aim contribute to biodiversity conservation and addressing climate change adaptation. The maximum contribution under this call is €40 thousand for projects of up to 15 months. The deadline for submission of pre-proposal is 31 March 2019. Find rules and criteria