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European Commission — Wildlife People Conflicts in Botswana

The European Commission supports civil society organizations in Botswana to play an effective role as a development actor with the aim to improve capacity to hold governments accountable. One of the priorities under this call is wildlife people conflict and community based adaptation to ecosystems. Grants vary between €100 thousand and €250 thousand. Eligibility extends to non-profit organizations. The deadline for submission of concept notes is 10 April 2019. More

The European Commission supports civil society organizations in Botswana to play an effective role as a development actor with the aim to improve capacity to hold governments accountable. One of the priorities under this call is wildlife people conflict and community based adaptation to ecosystems. Grants vary between €100 thousand and €250 thousand. Eligibility extends to non-profit organizations. The deadline for submission of concept notes is 10 April 2019. More