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European Commission — Promoting Inclusive Development in Fiji

The European Commission seeks to support local Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) as actors of governance and development work in the field. The objective is to increase participation of CSOs in addressing climate change through disaster risk reduction or resilience. Non-profit organizations established in Fiji or the European Union can request grants between €300 thousand and €680 thousand to implement activities that mitigate climate change. The deadline for submission of concept notes is 26 April 2019. Find the call

The European Commission seeks to support local Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) as actors of governance and development work in the field. The objective is to increase participation of CSOs in addressing climate change through disaster risk reduction or resilience. Non-profit organizations established in Fiji or the European Union can request grants between €300 thousand and €680 thousand to implement activities that mitigate climate change. The deadline for submission of concept notes is 26 April 2019. Find the call