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Drucker Institute — Drucker Prize 2019

The Drucker Institute invites nominations for the Drucker Prize 2019. The prize recognizes innovative non-profit organizations that inspire “change that creates a new dimension of performance”. The winning organization will receive a US$100 thousand prize. Past winners include projects in the field of sustainable energy, small-scale agriculture, rainforest conservation, and many others. Non-profit organizations around the world are eligible to apply. The deadline for applications is 30 April 2019. Link

The Drucker Institute invites nominations for the Drucker Prize 2019. The prize recognizes innovative non-profit organizations that inspire “change that creates a new dimension of performance”. The winning organization will receive a US$100 thousand prize. Past winners include projects in the field of sustainable energy, small-scale agriculture, rainforest conservation, and many others. Non-profit organizations around the world are eligible to apply. The deadline for applications is 30 April 2019. Link