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Masters scholarships for applied animal behaviour and animal welfare

The Open Philanthropy Project and the University of Edinburgh have come together to provide scholarships for three African veterinarians or animal scientists to complete the Master's programme in Applied Animal Behaviour and Animal Welfare. The Open Philanthropy Project sees this grant as largely devoted to building a talent pipeline for farm animal welfare research in Africa, which could account for a large number of new farm animals in the next 50 years.

Three scholarships will cover full international tuition fees and a stipend of £11,000.

The Open Philanthropy Project and the University of Edinburgh have come together to provide scholarships for three African veterinarians or animal scientists to complete the Master's programme in Applied Animal Behaviour and Animal Welfare. The Open Philanthropy Project sees this grant as largely devoted to building a talent pipeline for farm animal welfare research in Africa, which could account for a large number of new farm animals in the next 50 years.


Three scholarships will cover full international tuition fees and a stipend of £11,000.


Applicants must have been accepted for admission on a full-time basis for the MSc Applied Animal Behaviour and Animal Welfare commencing in the 2019-2020 academic session. Applicants must also be a national and resident of a country in Africa.


Awards will be made on academic merit and the potential to excel both within the MSc and in the future following completion of the MSc.

Successful applicants must hold the equivalent of a UK 2.1 or first class honours undergraduate degree in the area of veterinary or animal sciences. Merit will also be applied to professional experience, achievements, awards or publications relevant to the field of applied animal behaviour and animal welfare.


In order to apply for the scholarship, you must complete the standard application process for the MSc Applied Animal Behaviour and Animal Welfare- 1 Year (Full-time). You can find the application link here. You will be required to fill in an application form and please ensure that you state that you intend to apply for this scholarship within Section 7 (Finance)

You will then be required to upload the following documents to the University’s admissions system.

  • Curriculum Vitae (CV)
  • Degree Certificate
  • Transcript
  • Proof of English language competency (IELTS total 6.5 (at least 6.0 in each module) or equivalent). Please see here for further information.
  • One academic reference

Once you have completed your application to the programme we require you to submit two further documents to the following email address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • Another reference: This can be another academic reference or a work-related reference.
  • Letter of Motivation: This should include your motivation for undertaking the programme, the aspects of the programme you find most interesting or you think will be most beneficial to your future plans and also what you plan to do once you have completed the MSc.

Find original post on the University of Edinburgh website