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Royal Academy of Engineering – Africa Prize for Engineering Innovation 2020

The Africa Prize encourages ambitious and talented sub-Saharan African engineers from all disciplines to develop scalable solutions to address local challenges. (Note: This may include one or more thematic areas covered by the Terra Viva Grants Directory). The winner will receive £25 thousand, three runners-up will be awarded £10 thousand each. Applications are accepted from individuals or small groups. The lead applicant must be a citizen of a country within sub-Saharan Africa. The deadline for submissions is 22 July 2019. Details

The Africa Prize encourages ambitious and talented sub-Saharan African engineers from all disciplines to develop scalable solutions to address local challenges. (Note: This may include one or more thematic areas covered by the Terra Viva Grants Directory). The winner will receive £25 thousand, three runners-up will be awarded £10 thousand each. Applications are accepted from individuals or small groups. The lead applicant must be a citizen of a country within sub-Saharan Africa. The deadline for submissions is 22 July 2019. Details