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Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research — Travel Support to Attend Meetings and Conferences

The Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR) provides travel support for scientists from low- to medium-income countries to attend ocean science meetings. The purpose of this support is to help scientists, particularly early-career scientists, to network with colleagues from other countries, share their research, and form partnerships in the global ocean science community. A full list of eligible countries is given in the call announcement. The organizers of ocean science meetings select recipients for participation in their meetings. There are no calendar deadlines. Check upcoming meetings

The Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR) provides travel support for scientists from low- to medium-income countries to attend ocean science meetings. The purpose of this support is to help scientists, particularly early-career scientists, to network with colleagues from other countries, share their research, and form partnerships in the global ocean science community. A full list of eligible countries is given in the call announcement. The organizers of ocean science meetings select recipients for participation in their meetings. There are no calendar deadlines. Check upcoming meetings