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University of Durham — Hatfield Lioness Scholarship 2020

The University of Durham is open to applications for the Hatfield Lioness Scholarship 2020. The scholarship aims to enable female students from developing countries to undertake postgraduate studies at the University of Durham. Applicants must be offered a place in one of the University’s master programs and be a national of a developing country listed in the call. The scholarship provides tuition fees, stipend, accommodation, visa and travel costs. Applications must be submitted before 31 March 2020. About


The University of Durham is open to applications for the Hatfield Lioness Scholarship 2020. The scholarship aims to enable female students from developing countries to undertake postgraduate studies at the University of Durham. Applicants must be offered a place in one of the University’s master programs and be a national of a developing country listed in the call. The scholarship provides tuition fees, stipend, accommodation, visa and travel costs. Applications must be submitted before 31 March 2020. About