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European Marine Research Network — EuroMarine Call for Proposals 2019: Fellowships

EuroMarine announces funding to support training and capacity building of individuals in themes of marine conservation and management. PhD students and scholars in their first post-doctoral position can apply for a grant of up to €500 to contribute towards covering direct costs related to participation in a training event. Young scientists (students or employees) of a EuroMarine full Member Organisation or an Invited Member from Morocco, Peru, South Africa, Tunisia, or Turkey are eligible to apply. The deadline for submissions is 26 April 2019. About this fellowship

EuroMarine announces funding to support training and capacity building of individuals in themes of marine conservation and management. PhD students and scholars in their first post-doctoral position can apply for a grant of up to €500 to contribute towards covering direct costs related to participation in a training event. Young scientists (students or employees) of a EuroMarine full Member Organisation or an Invited Member from Morocco, Peru, South Africa, Tunisia, or Turkey are eligible to apply. The deadline for submissions is 26 April 2019. About this fellowship