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Volkswagen Foundation — Research and Higher Education in Central Asia and the Caucasus

The Foundation’s program “Between Europe and the Orient” addresses the newly emerged independent states of Central Asia and the Caucasus, as well as Afghanistan and some of the immediately neighboring regions of the Russian Federation and China. The Foundation aims to work closely with local scholars and scientists to develop relevant research and to strengthen intra-regional cooperation. Additionally, the Foundation invites proposals for training of young researchers; support for academic infrastructure; and workshops, symposia, and summer schools. Thematic areas of interest include environment, natural resources, and renewable energy. Applications can be submitted anytime. About the program

The Foundation’s program “Between Europe and the Orient” addresses the newly emerged independent states of Central Asia and the Caucasus, as well as Afghanistan and some of the immediately neighboring regions of the Russian Federation and China. The Foundation aims to work closely with local scholars and scientists to develop relevant research and to strengthen intra-regional cooperation. Additionally, the Foundation invites proposals for training of young researchers; support for academic infrastructure; and workshops, symposia, and summer schools. Thematic areas of interest include environment, natural resources, and renewable energy. Applications can be submitted anytime. About the program