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ProposalsforNGOs — Small Grant Competition 2019

ProposalsforNGOs, an initiative by FundsforNGOs, invites applications for the “Small Grant Competition” aimed at NGOs around the world. The contest aims to help grassroots NGOs to develop a project idea to reality by submitting a one-page concept note. The winner will be awarded US$500 as well as a copy of the resource guide ‘The NGO Guide to Proposal Writing: The complete ‘How to’ for everything proposal related’. The deadline for submission is 03 May 2019. Link

ProposalsforNGOs, an initiative by FundsforNGOs, invites applications for the “Small Grant Competition” aimed at NGOs around the world. The contest aims to help grassroots NGOs to develop a project idea to reality by submitting a one-page concept note. The winner will be awarded US$500 as well as a copy of the resource guide ‘The NGO Guide to Proposal Writing: The complete ‘How to’ for everything proposal related’. The deadline for submission is 03 May 2019. Link