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DG Trésor — Innovative Solutions for Sustainable Cities in Africa

DG Trésor invites French companies to submit innovative ideas and project proposals on solutions for sustainable cities in Africa. Up to 12 selected French SMEs and startups will receive up to €500 thousand to implement their project idea. Proposed projects can fall within the areas clean energy, climate, water, waste management, among others, and should be implemented in partnership with local African partners. Proposals have to be submitted by 14 June 2019. Details

DG Trésor invites French companies to submit innovative ideas and project proposals on solutions for sustainable cities in Africa. Up to 12 selected French SMEs and startups will receive up to €500 thousand to implement their project idea. Proposed projects can fall within the areas clean energy, climate, water, waste management, among others, and should be implemented in partnership with local African partners. Proposals have to be submitted by 14 June 2019. Details