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Alstom Foundation — Project Support for NGOs

The Alstom Foundation invites projects proposals from NGOs from countries where Alstom has a presence (a full list of eligible countries is provided in the call for proposals). The Foundation supports a range of activities, including support for water supply and sanitation; renewable energy; reforestation; waste management; ecotourism; and environmental awareness campaigns. All projects must be submitted together with an Alstom employee acting in the role of the Project Promoter. (Note: The Secretariat of the Alstom Foundation may offer support in finding a promoter. In this case, projects have to be submitted no later than 01 May 2019.) The regular submission deadline is 15 June 2019. Click here

The Alstom Foundation invites projects proposals from NGOs from countries where Alstom has a presence (a full list of eligible countries is provided in the call for proposals). The Foundation supports a range of activities, including support for water supply and sanitation; renewable energy; reforestation; waste management; ecotourism; and environmental awareness campaigns. All projects must be submitted together with an Alstom employee acting in the role of the Project Promoter. (Note: The Secretariat of the Alstom Foundation may offer support in finding a promoter. In this case, projects have to be submitted no later than 01 May 2019.) The regular submission deadline is 15 June 2019. Click here