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National Geographic Society — AI for Earth

In partnership with Microsoft, The National Geographic Society seeks proposals from around the world that focus on the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning to better monitor and manage Earth’s natural systems for a more sustainable future. The grants will support the creation and deployment of open source trained models and algorithms in the focus core areas of biodiversity conservation, climate change, agriculture, and water. Proposals may request US$5 thousand to US$100 thousand. The deadline for this RFP is 10 July 2019. Click here

In partnership with Microsoft, The National Geographic Society seeks proposals from around the world that focus on the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning to better monitor and manage Earth’s natural systems for a more sustainable future. The grants will support the creation and deployment of open source trained models and algorithms in the focus core areas of biodiversity conservation, climate change, agriculture, and water. Proposals may request US$5 thousand to US$100 thousand. The deadline for this RFP is 10 July 2019. Click here