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Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute — Research in Tropical Forests

The ForestGEO Grants Program supports research that uses forest data from the program’s field sites. Priority will be given to early-career researchers, and researchers with less access to other institutional funds. Social scientists and natural scientists of all nationalities are eligible. Applicants do not need to be associated with a site prior to applying, but each applicant will need to contact a site Principal Investigator (linked from the announcement) prior to submitting a proposal. Research projects up to US$15 thousand will be considered. The deadline for applications is 18 June 2021. ForestGEO Research Grants

The ForestGEO Grants Program supports research that uses forest data from the program’s field sites. Priority will be given to early-career researchers, and researchers with less access to other institutional funds. Social scientists and natural scientists of all nationalities are eligible. Applicants do not need to be associated with a site prior to applying, but each applicant will need to contact a site Principal Investigator (linked from the announcement) prior to submitting a proposal. Research projects up to US$15 thousand will be considered. The deadline for applications is 18 June 2021. ForestGEO Research Grants