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U.S. National Fish and Wildlife Foundation — Conservation of Kaua‘i Seabirds 2019

NFWF’s Seabird Initiative works to enhance the viability of seabird populations by increasing their survival and reproduction. For 2019, this program will focus on conservation actions for listed seabirds in Honop? Valley, Kauai, Hawai‘i. The majority of awards under this program will fall in the range of US$50 thousand to US$250 thousand. Eligible applicants include non-profit organizations, government agencies, educational institutions, businesses, and international organizations. The application date for pre-proposals is 29 April 2019. Link

NFWF’s Seabird Initiative works to enhance the viability of seabird populations by increasing their survival and reproduction. For 2019, this program will focus on conservation actions for listed seabirds in Honop? Valley, Kauai, Hawai‘i. The majority of awards under this program will fall in the range of US$50 thousand to US$250 thousand. Eligible applicants include non-profit organizations, government agencies, educational institutions, businesses, and international organizations. The application date for pre-proposals is 29 April 2019. Link