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European Commission — Fisheries and Cocoa Development in Liberia

The European Commission seeks to improve the livelihoods for smallholder farmers and small-scale fishers to develop a competitive and environmentally-sustainable cocoa sector and climate-resilient aquaculture value chain in Liberia. Applicants may request up to €4 million unter this call (varying by activity). Eligibility extends to non-profit organizations registered in the APC region or the European Union. The deadline for submission of concept notes is 07 June 2019. Link

The European Commission seeks to improve the livelihoods for smallholder farmers and small-scale fishers to develop a competitive and environmentally-sustainable cocoa sector and climate-resilient aquaculture value chain in Liberia. Applicants may request up to €4 million unter this call (varying by activity). Eligibility extends to non-profit organizations registered in the APC region or the European Union. The deadline for submission of concept notes is 07 June 2019. Link