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Rufford Foundation — Grants for Nature Conservation

The Rufford Foundation makes grants for nature conservation undertaken by small and medium-sized organizations for projects in the developing world. The Foundation prefers projects that are pragmatic, and that have a significant human element. There are no restrictions by nationality or country of residence. Grant applications are made in sequential stages: first grant, second grant, booster grants, and completion grant. Grants start at £6 thousand and increase to £15 thousand for projects that successfully complete each stage. Applications can be submitted at any time. Instructions for Applicants

The Rufford Foundation makes grants for nature conservation undertaken by small and medium-sized organizations for projects in the developing world. The Foundation prefers projects that are pragmatic, and that have a significant human element. There are no restrictions by nationality or country of residence. Grant applications are made in sequential stages: first grant, second grant, booster grants, and completion grant. Grants start at £6 thousand and increase to £15 thousand for projects that successfully complete each stage. Applications can be submitted at any time. Instructions for Applicants