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Hong Kong Bird Watching Society — Asia Conservation Fund 2019/20

The Hong Kong Bird Watching Society invites applications for the Asia Conservation Fund 2019/20. The HKBWS funds research, monitoring, education and capacity building related to bird protection in Asia.  Higher priority is given to projects which target species that occur in Hong Kong or on the East Asian and Australasian Flyway; and to projects that assist the relevant country in meeting Aichi Biodiversity Targets. Two projects will receive funds up to US$2 thousand. The deadline for applications is 14 June 2019. About the fund

The Hong Kong Bird Watching Society invites applications for the Asia Conservation Fund 2019/20. The HKBWS funds research, monitoring, education and capacity building related to bird protection in Asia.  Higher priority is given to projects which target species that occur in Hong Kong or on the East Asian and Australasian Flyway; and to projects that assist the relevant country in meeting Aichi Biodiversity Targets. Two projects will receive funds up to US$2 thousand. The deadline for applications is 14 June 2019. About the fund