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U.S. Mission to India — Smart Cities Collaboration Competition

The U.S. Mission to India seeks proposals for the Smart Cities Collaboration Competition. Candidates will be asked to work on one or several infrastructure elements of the city of Ajmer including water supply, sanitation, electricity supply (focus on solar energy), sustainable development, among others. Eligibility extends to private institutions of higher education and nonprofit organisations. The award floor is US$60 thousand and the award ceiling US$65 thousand. Applications are accepted before 23 June 2019. Link

The U.S. Mission to India seeks proposals for the Smart Cities Collaboration Competition. Candidates will be asked to work on one or several infrastructure elements of the city of Ajmer including water supply, sanitation, electricity supply (focus on solar energy), sustainable development, among others. Eligibility extends to private institutions of higher education and nonprofit organisations. The award floor is US$60 thousand and the award ceiling US$65 thousand. Applications are accepted before 23 June 2019. Link