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Outdoor Hunt — Annual Scholarship Awards 2019

Outdoor Hunt invites application for the Annual Scholarship Awards 2019. Participants are asked to write an original article on “Benefits of Trekking” of about 800-1000 words (min 800 words) in the English language. The prize is open to both postgraduate and undergraduate of college in any stream. Three winners get prizes of US$1 thousand (1st Prize), US$500 (2nd prize), and US$300 (3rd Prize). Applications close on 25 June 2019. About the award

Outdoor Hunt invites application for the Annual Scholarship Awards 2019. Participants are asked to write an original article on “Benefits of Trekking” of about 800-1000 words (min 800 words) in the English language. The prize is open to both postgraduate and undergraduate of college in any stream. Three winners get prizes of US$1 thousand (1st Prize), US$500 (2nd prize), and US$300 (3rd Prize). Applications close on 25 June 2019. About the award