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UNFCCC — Global Youth Video Competition on Climate Change

The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), in collaboration with the UNDP-GEF Small Grants Program, invites youth ages 18-30 to submit videos about projects or campaigns that showcase actions on climate change. The three categories are (1) Nature-based solutions for food and human health (2) Cities and local action to combat climate change, and (3) Balancing use of land for people and ecosystems. The videos will be posted on a web page, and the winners of the competition will have their expenses paid to attend and participate in the COP25 in Chile (December 2019) as youth reporters. The deadline for video submissions is 27 July 2019. Submit your video

The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), in collaboration with the UNDP-GEF Small Grants Program, invites youth ages 18-30 to submit videos about projects or campaigns that showcase actions on climate change. The three categories are (1) Nature-based solutions for food and human health (2) Cities and local action to combat climate change, and (3) Balancing use of land for people and ecosystems. The videos will be posted on a web page, and the winners of the competition will have their expenses paid to attend and participate in the COP25 in Chile (December 2019) as youth reporters. The deadline for video submissions is 27 July 2019. Submit your video