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European Union — Central European Initiative, Call for Proposals 2019

The CEI makes grants to support its action plan. Cooperation projects are mainly for seminars, workshops, training courses, and other kinds of meetings. Priority themes include climate, environment, sustainable energy, and others. Projects can be submitted by all public and private bodies in CEI’s member states, as well as by international and regional organizations. Preference is for proposals submitted from CEI’s non-EU member states (Albania, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia, and Ukraine). Grants are up to €15 thousand. The application deadline is 24 July 2019. Link

The CEI makes grants to support its action plan. Cooperation projects are mainly for seminars, workshops, training courses, and other kinds of meetings. Priority themes include climate, environment, sustainable energy, and others. Projects can be submitted by all public and private bodies in CEI’s member states, as well as by international and regional organizations. Preference is for proposals submitted from CEI’s non-EU member states (Albania, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia, and Ukraine). Grants are up to €15 thousand. The application deadline is 24 July 2019. Link