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Save Our Species — Lemur Conservation in Madagascar

SOS announces a special call for proposals to protect threatened lemurs in Madagascar. Applicants should develop their proposals in accord with the IUCN strategy for lemur conservation in Madagascar. Eligibility for grants extends to civil society organizations for field-based conservation. Applicants will be expected to work closely with local communities and government authorities. Most grants will be under US$200 thousand. Requirements for matching funds are scaled in relation to project size. The application deadline is 21 July 2019. Detailed Information

SOS announces a special call for proposals to protect threatened lemurs in Madagascar. Applicants should develop their proposals in accord with the IUCN strategy for lemur conservation in Madagascar. Eligibility for grants extends to civil society organizations for field-based conservation. Applicants will be expected to work closely with local communities and government authorities. Most grants will be under US$200 thousand. Requirements for matching funds are scaled in relation to project size. The application deadline is 21 July 2019. Detailed Information