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François Sommer Foundation — COAL Prize 2019

With support by the François Sommer Foundation and several partners, the COAL Prize 2019 – DISPLACEMENT: Uncertain Journeys – highlights projects by artists working on displacement related to disasters and climate change in the field of visual arts. The COAL Prize is open to artists from all over the world. The prize winner receives €10 thousand to support art work in progress, and is invited for a residency to advance her/his project at the Domaine de Belvalin in France. The application deadline is 09 September 2019. DISPLACEMENT: Uncertain Journeys

With support by the François Sommer Foundation and several partners, the COAL Prize 2019 – DISPLACEMENT: Uncertain Journeys – highlights projects by artists working on displacement related to disasters and climate change in the field of visual arts. The COAL Prize is open to artists from all over the world. The prize winner receives €10 thousand to support art work in progress, and is invited for a residency to advance her/his project at the Domaine de Belvalin in France. The application deadline is 09 September 2019. DISPLACEMENT: Uncertain Journeys