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King Boudouin Foundation — Prize for Research on Water Availability

The Ernest du Bois Prize offers €20 thousand for doctoral studies on the theme of water availability. The awards are made to young students and engineers who are carrying out research on the theme of water and its availability — including issues of protecting reserves, managing pollution, developing processing techniques, and others. Applications need to be submitted in French or Dutch, even though the doctoral research itself may be written in English. The application deadline is 28 September 2020. Find details here

The Ernest du Bois Prize offers €20 thousand for doctoral studies on the theme of water availability. The awards are made to young students and engineers who are carrying out research on the theme of water and its availability — including issues of protecting reserves, managing pollution, developing processing techniques, and others. Applications need to be submitted in French or Dutch, even though the doctoral research itself may be written in English. The application deadline is 28 September 2020. Find details here