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MacArthur Foundation — $100 Million to Solve a Critical Problem

The MacArthur Foundation seeks applications for the 100&Change competition. The winner will receive US$100 million to develop and implement a project that addresses a critical problem affecting people, places, or the planet. The competition is open to organizations working in any field of endeavor anywhere in the world. Applicants must identify the problem they are trying to solve, as well as their proposed solution. Nonprofit and for-profit organizations can apply. The competition will not accept applications from individuals or government agencies. Participants in the competition must register by 16 July 2019. Link to the 100&Change competition

The MacArthur Foundation seeks applications for the 100&Change competition. The winner will receive US$100 million to develop and implement a project that addresses a critical problem affecting people, places, or the planet. The competition is open to organizations working in any field of endeavor anywhere in the world. Applicants must identify the problem they are trying to solve, as well as their proposed solution. Nonprofit and for-profit organizations can apply. The competition will not accept applications from individuals or government agencies. Participants in the competition must register by 16 July 2019. Link to the 100&Change competition