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The unusual solvers competition

Only approximately 10% of the time is actually invested in the drone itself, the other 90% is all about data and community and stakeholder engagement.

So why is it that most organizations concentrate their efforts today on the 10%? WeRobotics and across the Flying Labs network teamed up with Omidyar Network to tackle and find solutions for the remaining 90%, what we call the “enabling environment”. And we count on unusual solvers to find and build solutions that fit the specific needs of the Global South!

Only approximately 10% of the time is actually invested in the drone itself, the other 90% is all about data and community and stakeholder engagement.

So why is it that most organizations concentrate their efforts today on the 10%? WeRobotics and across the Flying Labs network teamed up with Omidyar Network to tackle and find solutions for the remaining 90%, what we call the “enabling environment”. And we count on unusual solvers to find and build solutions that fit the specific needs of the Global South!

The best overall solution will win USD 100,000 and 3 finalists of each challenge will win USD 15,000 each to turn their idea into solutions. Here are the steps to get there:


Choose your challenge and submit your idea. It all starts with your idea! And It’s easy to submit it before August 31, 2019: choose your challenge, sign-up to receive the full submission package including a detailed description of the challenge, a template to define your idea, information on criteria and eligibility and a link to submit your idea. Promised, we don’t ask you for a master thesis but maximum a 2-page description of your idea, short and to the point.


Turn your idea into a concept. Expert juries will comb through the great ideas in search of the 3 pearls of each challenge and determine the 9 finalists that will be announced in late September 2019. A grant of USD 15,000 will be awarded to each of the 9 finalists. This financial support will allow the finalists to turn their idea into a concept over the coming 4 months. Mentors will support the finalists to create winning concepts and a compelling pitch.

Final pitch

Pitch your concept and win. Ready, set, pitch! The 9 finalists will meet up in person and face a final jury to compete for the USD 100,000 that will be awarded to the best overall solution. We will find a cool place to give the 9 finalists and the jury a motivating setting to determine the overall winner. Though only 1 team will walk away with the final prize, all 9 finalists are winners by having turned their idea into concepts that are ready to be implemented.

Three challenges

Drone data allows to find solutions for a wide range of social challenges, may it be related to humanitarian aid, land rights, conservation, agriculture, resilient urban planning and many more. The 3 most pressing issues we encounter in our work today are how to produce impactful analysis in a rapid manner, how to then bring back results to beneficiaries to turn data into action and how to make ethics a main concern in each step of the process. 

How to apply

Click here to access the original post and application form.