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UK Natural Environment Research Council — The Role of the Southern Ocean in Climate Change

The aim of this Research Programme is to provide the scientific basis to inform international climate policy of the role of the Southern Ocean (SO) carbon system in climate change. Under this call, two proposals will funded at a maximum cost of £325 thousand each. Proposals are invited to all projects are required to have a principal investigator based in a UK research organisation. The closing date for proposals is 19 September 2019. Find the call

The aim of this Research Programme is to provide the scientific basis to inform international climate policy of the role of the Southern Ocean (SO) carbon system in climate change. Under this call, two proposals will funded at a maximum cost of £325 thousand each. Proposals are invited to all projects are required to have a principal investigator based in a UK research organisation. The closing date for proposals is 19 September 2019. Find the call