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TravelGrants — Travel4Good

TravelGrants makes small travel grants to activists, changemakers, charities, students, social media influencers, and artists. Applicants may submit proposals, essays, films or audio, clips, poems, photos, or presentations to show how their travel will change them and the world around them. The winner will receive a US$500 travel grant. Participation is open to any individual or organization in any country. The deadline for submission is 7 August 2019. More

TravelGrants makes small travel grants to activists, changemakers, charities, students, social media influencers, and artists. Applicants may submit proposals, essays, films or audio, clips, poems, photos, or presentations to show how their travel will change them and the world around them. The winner will receive a US$500 travel grant. Participation is open to any individual or organization in any country. The deadline for submission is 7 August 2019. More