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BIOPAMA — Medium Grants for Actions

Biodiversity and Protected Areas Management (BIOPAMA) makes medium grants in order to transform conservation knowledge into actions. BIOPAMA aims to improve the long-term conservation, sustainable use of natural resources and ecosystem services in Africa, the Caribbean and the Asia-Pacific region. Grants of up to €400 thousand will be made available to projects that focus on improving biodiversity conservation in priority areas. Eligibility extends to non-profit organizations, government agencies, and small or medium enterprises. Applications (English or French) must be submitted by 21 September 2019. Grants information

Biodiversity and Protected Areas Management (BIOPAMA) makes medium grants in order to transform conservation knowledge into actions. BIOPAMA aims to improve the long-term conservation, sustainable use of natural resources and ecosystem services in Africa, the Caribbean and the Asia-Pacific region. Grants of up to €400 thousand will be made available to projects that focus on improving biodiversity conservation in priority areas. Eligibility extends to non-profit organizations, government agencies, and small or medium enterprises. Applications (English or French) must be submitted by 21 September 2019. Grants information