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Mahathir Science Award Foundation — Award for Tropical Sciences

The Mahathir Science Award recognizes scientists, institutions or organisations worldwide who have made contributions and innovations towards solving problems in the tropics through science and technology. This award accepts nominations in the following fields: Tropical Agriculture; Tropical Architecture and Engineering; Tropical Medicine; and Tropical Natural Resources. The winner receives US$100 thousand, a gold medal and a certificate. The nomination for the award closes on 30 December 2020. About the Mahathir Science Award

The post Mahathir Science Award Foundation -- Award for Tropical Sciences first appeared on Terra Viva Grants Directory.

The Mahathir Science Award recognizes scientists, institutions or organisations worldwide who have made contributions and innovations towards solving problems in the tropics through science and technology. This award accepts nominations in the following fields: Tropical Agriculture; Tropical Architecture and Engineering; Tropical Medicine; and Tropical Natural Resources. The winner receives US$100 thousand, a gold medal and a certificate. The nomination for the award closes on 30 December 2020. About the Mahathir Science Award

The post Mahathir Science Award Foundation -- Award for Tropical Sciences first appeared on Terra Viva Grants Directory.