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United Nations Development Programme — Green and Sustainable Cities in Moldova

The UNDP-GEF Project “Moldova Sustainable Green Cities” launches a call for proposals within the Fast Track Challenge Program. The program provides financial support of up to US$8 thousand to innovative projects contributing to low carbon green city development. The thematic areas covered by this program include waste management, and energy efficiency, among others. Applicants must have a for-profit entity registered in the Republic of Moldova. The deadline for submitting the project proposals is 31 July 2019. Details here

The UNDP-GEF Project “Moldova Sustainable Green Cities” launches a call for proposals within the Fast Track Challenge Program. The program provides financial support of up to US$8 thousand to innovative projects contributing to low carbon green city development. The thematic areas covered by this program include waste management, and energy efficiency, among others. Applicants must have a for-profit entity registered in the Republic of Moldova. The deadline for submitting the project proposals is 31 July 2019. Details here